Saturday, October 11, 2008

Field Trip #1

This is a Haida Canoe which is not on the tourist guide map. The tree was falled (?) and the canoe shape was carved. Work would have stopped on this because of the split down the middle. It was no longer suitable to be made into a canoe.
This tree was a few metres away from the canoe and the large test hole (this is a CMT, culturally modified tree) must have determined it was not a good canoe tree.
HHFG believe this stump was where the canoe tree was cut from, see the canoe shape in the background.

We drove about 15 mins out of Port Clements to see this Haida Canoe.

Maybe tomorrow we will do a drive to the north coast area...

1 comment:

MamaZ said...

Love your blog. I'm looking forward to "popping in for a visit" on a regular basis.

Frieda (aka MamaZ)