Saturday, April 11, 2009

out of stock

So I missed out on buying hot dogs buns for the beach fire tomorrow. I got the 'dogs last week when I saw them on sale and thought I should wait to buy the buns. Guess I waited too long. I also walked right past the foil Easter eggs when we were down in Van... thought I would get some up here. They were sold out last week too.

But I learned a new shopping tip today: The bananas that did not sell during the week are on sale for .99 a bag on Saturday morning (but they were already gone when I was at the store about 1pm today). At 1.69/lb I am not buying bananas just to go over ripe to make the boys banana choco chip muffins. B also let me in on something he has heard a few times about keeping mushrooms: clean off the mushrooms, dip in hot water then into a bag and into the freezer. Apparently they will keep for a long time.... I will have to try this and report back. Any other strange food saving techniques out there?

We had a family over for dinner last night. It was a joint food effort, I made the rice and veggies and fresh cinnamon buns (a big hit with the kids) and they brought ling cod and homemade tarter sauce, complete with sea asparagus. It was awesome! Can't wait till my guys get out and catch me some fish! The best line of the night came from the 3 yr old. She looks out our front window and says ' It looks like Prince Rupert'. This family lives out towards Tow Hill and there are no street lights, unlike the big city of Prince Rupert and Masset so it seems.

We are having a quiet day here. J was at a sleepover last night and still has not surfaced at home. B and D spent the morning tuning up the dirk bike and with dry roads and relatively clear skies, they just left for a motorcycle ride to Port.

I will enjoy some alone time, maybe listen to some tunes or do some reading. Just a quiet day in the life :)


Norma Hill - aka penandpapermama said...

haha... brings back memories... for hot dog roasts without buns we just whipped up baking powder biscuit dough before we left, then wrapped it around the weiners on the sticks, and roasted... way yummy! Oh! you can spread ketchup, mustard, whatever on the dough before wrapping it round the "tube steak"!

nicole said...

I told B about your idea and his eyes just popped open in pure excitement of such a brilliant plan! I think he wanted to make a fire in our tiny backyard and try it out right then!