Monday, February 1, 2010

Big Decisions

So there have been a few big decisions to start off the year.

1#) I registered for my first course of the Medical Lab Assistant program through Thompson Rivers University online. I told the boys I needed to see if I could still learn something new and my brain had not turned to mush. That was a good reason for them.

2#) B and I decided that the sale of our PoCo house was in the near future, like sometime this spring. It is not listed yet; got a leaky roof, broken fence and minor touchups to get it into top selling shape.

3#) I just got a new job! Because the lab is so short staffed they decided to have me start training asap while I am doing the course. Works for me. D's only concern was that he could still call me at work and that he has my number :) The best part of the new position is... hands down, wearing scrubs. B says that it's because it is the closest work attire to pajamas. I am sorry my fashion advisors out there, but yes, that is exactly why!

4#) I renewed my gym membership (ok not really a big decision but now I have to go). I did a number on my knee 5 weeks ago playing bball so I am not allowed to play games anymore; no frisbee, volleyball, bball. I have tried to play at 1/2 speed but I can't do it. I feel like a slacker and my knee feels unstable. I am taking it slow in kickboxing class (but no kicks/knees/sprawls for me), ride the bike at the gym, do leg strengthening exercises, and go for long beachwalks. I don't like to be injured :(

Can't wait for my visit south! There are so many people I want to see and lots of things to get done; I hope I can make it all happen!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WOW - that sounds like a permanent move up there. I guess we'll have to find the time to get up there. :)