Saturday, May 22, 2010

A trip to Van to see the kids!

It was a quick trip south last weekend to see some of my little buddies.

There was a brand new Fairburn baby to hold, bath, feed, change, push in the stroller... I still got the moves.
The next generation of Hiebert kids to hang with. Rebecca is the social butterfly.

Auntie taught James how to do the slide at the park.

And I went to see my Swisher girls.

We had Harbour Day in Masset today complete with a pancake breakfast, parade, carnival games, fishermans challenge and dunk tank. Pics to follow soon.

Lots happening in the next few weeks. We are going to Cape Fife tomorrow morning, J's class goes to Grey Bay next week (I will go for 3 of the 5 days), I write my exam June 10 and the boys head south for a visit mid June. FUN!

1 comment:

judym said...

looks like you guys had a great holiday weekend!
That is the cutest pic of you and the 'other' Heibert girl...sweet little Rebecca :)
glad you were able to sell your house, that must be a less thing to think about.