Wednesday, March 10, 2010

wicked weather

This is probably the biggest March blow to come through here in awhile... I thought the winter storm season was over?

It got really cold on the weekend. Even got a dusting of snow that stayed on the ground. Then it warmed up and the wind kicked in. Intense is the only way to describe it; strong winds from every direction, pounding rain, sideways snow. Its nuts!

No float planes or ferries today. Praying for it to blow through by tomorrow morning at 10:40am when the boys plane lands :)

B and I are off for our special chop suey and chow mien dinner at the PAM and then to a movie called Food Inc. at the green church; this sounds like a facebook status, sorry :)

FYI: work is going really well. I will by flying solo next week when I start into my part-time hours. This full time training gig was tough; lots to learn, policies to read, veins to feel. Give me another few months and it will all be old hat.

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