Tuesday, March 30, 2010

almost April... really?

The longer days are finally upon us... it is not dark till almost 9pm and it was clear blue sky this am when I rode my bike to work at 7:30am; today's weather also included a sudden hail storm followed by pounding rain. A usual day here on the island.

Last week was busy; actually more exhausting than busy. B went to Rupert to say goodbye to his Grandpa, Simoiget Hagbegwatku, which means 'first-born of the nation'. He passed away a few days later. I am thankful that B got to see him one last time and that he was there the following days to spend time with his dad, Grandma, aunts and uncle while they prepared for Grandpa's memorial. In true Mennonite fashion, I was busy at home baking as many loaves of bread and cookies as I could to bring over for the apres-memorial snacks. The service for Grandpa was really great. Many people spoke fondly about him; his involvement in Cadets and mentoring of young people were common themes. He was a well respected Gitksan elder and chief. Grandma has decided to be a gypsy. She gave the boys some great prints and carvings. Ben got some old plates and bowls that he remembered using as a kid while visiting his grandparents in summer. He has several nostalgic plates, bowls, and cups. Interesting that food brings up such memories :) Grandma gave me a collection of old, like really old, handmade baskets. I hope she comes by the island this summer; she can teach me pine needle weaving and I can show her cedar weaving :)

While off-island we did some mega grocery shopping, saw a movie and went to Timmy's. The usual stops. The exciting purchases were a box of seed potatoes to plant in the front yard; on the high side of the yard away from the perma-puddle. D got a flat tire on his bike the day before we left (glass on the sidewalk is bad for tires and dogs) Now we can not find the flat tire we brought along for size. It might have been forgotten somewhere when it came out to pack away groceries. I can probably take the blame... but he has the new tube! I bought a great little cloth bag at the Rainforest Bookstore made in Nepal; very cool. We made our first sushi roll in Rupert and we found a back and forth cheap sprinkler. Why you ask... doesn't it rain enough on the island to water the moss? No, to leave under the truck and spray off the salt and sand after a beach drive.

Good news around here is that B heard from his boss today that his renewal contract just needs to be signed. The other bad news is the PoCo house is still for sale. It has been on the market almost 2 weeks. Our super renter is moving out this week and the 'staging' rental furniture is moving in soon.

Now I am back to work and my Lab Assistant Textbook stares at me to get studying.

I keep meeting people who read my blog and I take it as a sign to get a post up for my fans to read, like you auntie Vi and Ang!

Still waiting for the Schmidt-Burn baby to come. L did not respond to my email today. Either she does not want to answer another email 'no baby yet' or she is in labour!

Friday, March 12, 2010

the boys are home!

It was nice to have less laundry and a cheaper grocery bill for the week but I'm happy to have the boys home. I think they needed a break from us as much as we needed a break from them.

Some sad news: a Tow Hill Rd landmark called Moon over Naikoon burnt to the ground a couple days ago. It was a museum of beachcombing treasures, a place to buy local artisan creations, and hands down the best coffee and treat stop on the way home from early morning crabbing :) It will be missed.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

wicked weather

This is probably the biggest March blow to come through here in awhile... I thought the winter storm season was over?

It got really cold on the weekend. Even got a dusting of snow that stayed on the ground. Then it warmed up and the wind kicked in. Intense is the only way to describe it; strong winds from every direction, pounding rain, sideways snow. Its nuts!

No float planes or ferries today. Praying for it to blow through by tomorrow morning at 10:40am when the boys plane lands :)

B and I are off for our special chop suey and chow mien dinner at the PAM and then to a movie called Food Inc. at the green church; this sounds like a facebook status, sorry :)

FYI: work is going really well. I will by flying solo next week when I start into my part-time hours. This full time training gig was tough; lots to learn, policies to read, veins to feel. Give me another few months and it will all be old hat.