Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A deer in my kitchen!


I know I have witnesses out there when I stated my involvement with the whole hunting deer, hanging, butchering, packaging would start when the meat was taken out of the freezer to make dinner... yup, should have got a butchering lesson from Opa before we came up here :)

B went hunting last weekend (with J) and the deer hung for the week and then we got the call to come get our meat. B thought he was going to leave the deer with his fellow hunter (our freezer was already at 80% capacity) but no, it was ours. With the first deer, B had help butchering with his hunter buddy's mom who has probably packed up 100's of deer. She chopped it up (B pretty much watched) in about an hour.

So last night, I helped B get the kitchen clean and set up, he started cracking bones and I went online to do some research and get some 'game cutting' tips, even found a You-tube video. There was a lot of carcass in the kitchen and the whole process was going kind of slow. Since I now had some on-line knowledge, I figured I could help a bit. B got all the meat off the bones and hacksawed the ribs and passed it to me then I trimmed down the gristly bits and packed up stew meat, a few roasts, some steaks. The freezer is now FULL.

The dogs were so good; they could smell there was something dog-heavenly happening in the kitchen but they sat at the kitchen entrance with perfect behavior in hopes that it would pay off with a treat. It did!

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